The Writing Center for Creative Aging:
Your resource for meaningful programs that deepen family ties.
“Thank you so very much for sharing this with me. These stories are incredible! I don’t think anyone would think a woman with Alzheimer’s could write with such clarity and recall. I appreciate these and any future writings from my mom. I have already e-mailed them to other family members!”
“I have no words that will explain how much I appreciate this incredible gift you have given Dad and also given me. The time I spend with him sitting quietly waiting for him to choose his words is just incredible. I never put words in his mouth; it’s always all from Dad and being able to help him do this is just incredible. . . I don’t have words for it, Shelley.”
“Thank you for all that you have done to enrich [my mother’s] life and those of others at Seabrook. [Your poetry classes] permitted my mother to express her feelings and give her a great deal of pleasure, and a sense of accomplishment.”

“I finally found the mental and physical energy to go through the things I saved from my Mom’s and Dad’s place at Seabrook. In one of the piles was a number of issues from Poets from The Gardens containing their writings. What a wonderful keepsake, and a window into their lives and stories, some of which I had not known. Your classes were a lifeline—especially for Mom who loved to write, but had little outlet for creativity. I really thank you for giving them the opportunity to express themselves and for memorializing the writing in these issues.”